Tag Archives: Brain

An Analysis of Change: Learning to Let Go to Move Forward (Just Like You Do on Monkey Bars)

Image credit: Fotosearch.com

“Let go. Why do you cling to pain? There is nothing you can do about the wrongs of yesterday. It is not yours to judge. Why hold on to the very thing which keeps you from hope and love?” ~Leo Buscaglia

In my personal experiences with trying to change things about myself and my life that were no longer useful I came to realize that I was hindering my own growth and positive change by refusing to let go. It’s a weird paradox, you know, this business of letting go to move forward. I’ve always had this idea that I was obligated to remember things of my past, whatever was still accessible to my conscious mind, whatever was embedded deeply in my emotional memory because these things were there and wouldn’t go away, so they were supposed to be there, right? Even though many of these experiences, feelings, things of my past were uncomfortable to recall, scary, limiting, outdated, outgrown, painful, subjugating, I still believed that they were supposed to be there, supposed to be recalled, supposed to be relived, supposed to be held on to. After all, they made me who I am, right? I thought, These memories or ill-feelings will always be with me, I need these things to move forward because they are me and I am them, right? Absolutely WRONG.

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Self-Directed Neuroplasticity: My New Favorite Thing

A Balanced Mind is a Terrible Thing to Surrender

So, along my personal development journey I’ve recently been led to this discussion about the brain and how there is new evidence (at least 5 yrs. old) that suggests that the brain doesn’t stop expanding and changing after childhood, but that it’s ever-expanding. The implication is that you can teach an old dog new tricks if the old dog is a willing participant (woof! woof!). Therefore, the idea that behavior and ways of being in adulthood are fixed is a bunch of bologna. So much for the “that’s just how I am” argument…
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