Category Archives: Goals and Ambition

An Analysis of Change: Learning to Let Go to Move Forward (Just Like You Do on Monkey Bars)

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“Let go. Why do you cling to pain? There is nothing you can do about the wrongs of yesterday. It is not yours to judge. Why hold on to the very thing which keeps you from hope and love?” ~Leo Buscaglia

In my personal experiences with trying to change things about myself and my life that were no longer useful I came to realize that I was hindering my own growth and positive change by refusing to let go. It’s a weird paradox, you know, this business of letting go to move forward. I’ve always had this idea that I was obligated to remember things of my past, whatever was still accessible to my conscious mind, whatever was embedded deeply in my emotional memory because these things were there and wouldn’t go away, so they were supposed to be there, right? Even though many of these experiences, feelings, things of my past were uncomfortable to recall, scary, limiting, outdated, outgrown, painful, subjugating, I still believed that they were supposed to be there, supposed to be recalled, supposed to be relived, supposed to be held on to. After all, they made me who I am, right? I thought, These memories or ill-feelings will always be with me, I need these things to move forward because they are me and I am them, right? Absolutely WRONG.

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Self-Directed Neuroplasticity: My New Favorite Thing

A Balanced Mind is a Terrible Thing to Surrender

So, along my personal development journey I’ve recently been led to this discussion about the brain and how there is new evidence (at least 5 yrs. old) that suggests that the brain doesn’t stop expanding and changing after childhood, but that it’s ever-expanding. The implication is that you can teach an old dog new tricks if the old dog is a willing participant (woof! woof!). Therefore, the idea that behavior and ways of being in adulthood are fixed is a bunch of bologna. So much for the “that’s just how I am” argument…
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Shifting from Survival to Abundance

For Emergencies ONLY

In the past few weeks there’s been a topic that’s been gnawing at me, ready to be explored, discussed, and, “attended to” in my own personal life. This topic is living in survival mode. For the past several weeks I’ve had discussions on the topic, I’ve read articles, and have even looked to psychological concepts to help me understand how one comes to live in survival mode, particularly in the land of “milk and honey” where, compared to other parts of the world, there is plenty.  Continue reading

Abandonment Issues? How have these issues shown up in your life?


So, I was perusing the web trying to make sense of some of my personal issues because after all, if the world wide web can’t help me patch my life together to become some recognizable, attractive whole then what’s the use?

I found this website that discussed abandonment issues, and it discussed how these issues show up differently for different people in their lives. The site then asked “How do abandonment issues show up in your life?” And then, this blog post was born.

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It Takes As Long As It Takes: BEing OK With the Adventurous Process of Getting Your Sh*t Together.




I am writing this blog entry nearly 6 months after I declared that I would add more blog entries to this site, get more consistent, stay focused on this project, and blah, blah, blah. Well, “being as though” (a term my mother said I used quite a bit as a teenager for whatever random reason) THAT hasn’t happened, and, in fact, the opposite has happened since it has been 6 months since my last entry, I decided that I would allow myself to be more accepting of my particular growth process.

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How to recover from being “undercover” so long that you start to believe your cover.

Hello world! That’s a helluva title, isn’t it? LOL Reminds me of the film Unknown starring Liam Neeson. The film doesn’t really have that much to do with why I chose this title for this blog post or anything, though. I just realized there was a correlation between like this title, and the movie. I just was thinking about that as I was writing…and then decided to write what I was thinking, so…um…yeah…OK… *insert awkward throat-clearing sound here*

Moving on….

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How to train your subconscious mind: A simple analysis of Freud’s complex finding for modern-day scatterbrains.

Image owned by Roger Hargreaves

Well hellooooo world! How are youuuuu? Yes, I’ve been gone for a minute, trying my best to manage the different things I’ve got going on in my world: school (my new schedule’s whippin’ me like cake batter), my daughter’s active social life (she’s currently putting mine, or lack thereof, to shame…smh…), the ups and downs of self-employment, and keeping my goals and ambitions at the forefront of my mind. Nonetheless, I know there are other graduate students out there leading active and demanding lives, who still would prefer the craziness over the mundane. Therefore, I will continue to write, I will not complain, and I’ll do better with communicating various ideas to all of you beautiful people! Muah! Now, onto the task at hand: the subconscious mind…. Continue reading

“New Year, New You:” Oh really now? What has changed?

So, it’s day seven of the New Year…how are these New Year’s Resolutions holding up? Is the passion still there? Has doubt come to reclaim its position of authority in your life? Have there been any successes? Any significant milestones? Continue reading