Tag Archives: goals and ambitions

How to train your subconscious mind: A simple analysis of Freud’s complex finding for modern-day scatterbrains.

Image owned by Roger Hargreaves

Well hellooooo world! How are youuuuu? Yes, I’ve been gone for a minute, trying my best to manage the different things I’ve got going on in my world: school (my new schedule’s whippin’ me like cake batter), my daughter’s active social life (she’s currently putting mine, or lack thereof, to shame…smh…), the ups and downs of self-employment, and keeping my goals and ambitions at the forefront of my mind. Nonetheless, I know there are other graduate students out there leading active and demanding lives, who still would prefer the craziness over the mundane. Therefore, I will continue to write, I will not complain, and I’ll do better with communicating various ideas to all of you beautiful people! Muah! Now, onto the task at hand: the subconscious mind…. Continue reading