Tag Archives: Philosophy

This week’s musings: Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness

Quantum mechanics is interested in studying physical phenomena occurring at microscopic levels.

Greetings everyone!

How has your week been? I hope it’s been fantastic, enlightening, and positive overall. Along my personal development journey I’ve been exploring quantum mechanics (of all things), and am mainly interested in this topic as it relates to the reality of things, personal development, and how we can all help others help themselves. Ultimately, that’s all I’m really interested in when I investigate these different scientific ideas. I’m interested in how scientific findings can help us navigate through our everyday lives, coupled with our spiritual practices, professional pursuits, or whatever else strikes our fancies. I’m interested in exploring new ideas that help people get where they want to go in life. So it seems that my interests and my curiosity have led me here to the unknown, for real! Please come along with me on this adventure, and all I ask is that you bring with you an open mind willing to be stretched…

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Abandonment Issues? How have these issues shown up in your life?


So, I was perusing the web trying to make sense of some of my personal issues because after all, if the world wide web can’t help me patch my life together to become some recognizable, attractive whole then what’s the use?

I found this website that discussed abandonment issues, and it discussed how these issues show up differently for different people in their lives. The site then asked “How do abandonment issues show up in your life?” And then, this blog post was born.

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