Tag Archives: Staying focused

How to train your subconscious mind: A simple analysis of Freud’s complex finding for modern-day scatterbrains.

Image owned by Roger Hargreaves

Well hellooooo world! How are youuuuu? Yes, I’ve been gone for a minute, trying my best to manage the different things I’ve got going on in my world: school (my new schedule’s whippin’ me like cake batter), my daughter’s active social life (she’s currently putting mine, or lack thereof, to shame…smh…), the ups and downs of self-employment, and keeping my goals and ambitions at the forefront of my mind. Nonetheless, I know there are other graduate students out there leading active and demanding lives, who still would prefer the craziness over the mundane. Therefore, I will continue to write, I will not complain, and I’ll do better with communicating various ideas to all of you beautiful people! Muah! Now, onto the task at hand: the subconscious mind…. Continue reading

“New Year, New You:” Oh really now? What has changed?

So, it’s day seven of the New Year…how are these New Year’s Resolutions holding up? Is the passion still there? Has doubt come to reclaim its position of authority in your life? Have there been any successes? Any significant milestones? Continue reading